Kotlin map not null
Kotlin map not null

kotlin map not null

To see how it happens, let's take a look at the piece of Java code below: String a = null In fact, About one third of app crashes can be attributed to NPE. When developing Android applications in Java, NullPointerException (NPE) was a big problem. At execution time, the reference to object can be void, leading to run-time exceptions (In the case of Java, a NullPointerException) and often abnormal termination of the program. A typical function call is of the form object.func() object denotes a reference to a certain object, and func denotes a function call. In object-oriented languages, access to objects is achieved through references. Null Safety (or void safety) is the guarantee that no object reference will have a null value. This document explains Kotlin's null safety feature. But I couldn't resist the temptation to put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to implement.” It was the invention of the null reference…My goal was to ensure that all use of references should be absolutely safe, with checking performed automatically by the compiler. In the next tutorial we will discuss about regular expression in Kotlin.“I call it my billion-dollar mistake. Null safety is an important feature of Kotlin and it saves us from Null pointer exception. In this tutorial we discussed about Null safety in Kotlin. So, the !! operator should be avoided as much as possible. Let us see a small example in Java where NullPointerException occurs: public class Student ") // Throws NullPointerException If we try to use this variable then we will get NullPointerException or NPE. In programming world when a variable doesn't refer to anything then it is considered as null. In this tutorial we will discuss about one of the most important features of Kotlin: Null Safety.

Kotlin map not null